Wednesday, November 27, 2024

a Thanksgiving strawberry

I thought that there were going to be three of these - but, you know, Raccoons.  Still - it's pretty impressive to be able to pick one's own strawberry the day before Thanksgiving, and know that it'll have pride of place in the middle of the pumpkin cheesecake.



  1. Happy Thanksgiving! The little raccoon babies of the summer must fully grown now (and hungry)...!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you both! yes, the raccoonlets are indistinguishable from their parents, now ... fattened on fruit (also, I'm glad to report that I saw Timothée on the Ring recording, yesterday ...)

  3. I'm so happy to know that Timothée continues to flourish, along with the raccoon family. May their paths never cross. It's gotten too cold in St. Paul for the neighbourhood cats. All of my regular friends are indoors!
