Thursday, January 9, 2025

(voluntary) evacuation life

First, we are so lucky to have a good friend prepared to put up with us (and cats) in her spare room - and to watch the heartbreaking and devastating pictures on TV.

And second, weird and preoccupying though today has been, we know that we're so lucky compared with many - it's just heart rending to learn of friends losing their homes.

Gramsci, however, is delighted to find a magnificent kitty palace in his temporary lodgings.

We went back home - still no power; maybe on Sunday? a major power line was brought down - to retrieve a few more things (like books for teaching ...), and clear the fridge of anything that might decay and stink ... here's the view from outside our front gate, with the moon above - and then just thick yellow haze where one would hope to see Mount Wilson - fire climbed almost all the way up there today.  Everything is covered with little flakes of pale grey ash. And now they're talking of more winds coming back, and swirling around, maybe until the middle of next week.

And then - a maddeningly chirpy upbeat email from our university president, celebrating the Fight On spirit of the Trojan Family, etc etc, and confirming that yes, we will be back in person on Monday (her choice of bold type, not mine) - sure, she acknowledge the hard work of emergency services, more etc etc, but not a meaningful squeak about the sheer and utter hell and trauma that some of her faculty and staff - and presumably students, too - are going through.  And even for the rest of us - we're expected to concentrate???  I can't begin to say how angry this makes me.  Couldn't she take the opportunity to suggest that those of us who can do a week of community service?



  1. I'm so angry at the messaging of that email! Outrageously out of sync with all that's going on and all that people are feeling/dealing with. UGH. I love your idea of taking care of the community. Gramsci is as handsome as ever, even if he has to contend with the attention of the curiously named Dimitri!

  2. Grams calls his alter-tabby Dimmy. Not kind.

  3. Very well said, Kate. As a retiree, of course I did not receive her message. It is terribly calous.
