A new discovery! Jackson Market, in Culver City (or, to be more exact, Park East), which is like a funky neighborhood deli in - oh, I don't know, somewhere mid-sized and quirky, like Columbus Ohio (friends in Columbus will tell me it's nothing like it, I'm sure - I plucked that out of the air, but it reminds me of the US 25 years ago, being busy but small scale and completely unpretentious), with a little yard in which to eat at the back. "Eat" - I'm still on the not-chewing-very-much routine, but the tub of guacamole was delicious.
And this was with my oldest friend, whom I've known for ... a bit under 68 years. Photo courtesy of the people sitting next to us - I don't know why I've slumped so ... it both seems a long time since we were, say, galloping down the beach at Deauville on retired racehorses, and on the other hand, not a minute ago.
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