Sunday, April 8, 2012

lost and found

I am so extraordinarily relieved to see this scarf again.  It emerged, quite suddenly, this morning, from a hangar in a hall closet, where I swear I'd looked five times before.  It was one of the things that (missing for weeks, for months, even), I thought that I'd left in Santa Fe, and since failing to find it there on Friday, I've systematically been going through drawers, through other closets, through bags ... getting more and more despondent (the scarf was a present from Alice last fall, and it's Japanese, and subtle, and softish, and liable to snag on things, so I'm very, very careful with it).  I found a brooch that I'd also thought I'd lost; I found a Tate Gallery t-shirt with a John Martin engraving on it, and several other stray objects - but no sign of the scarf.  I'd just come to the gloomy conclusion that I must have left it in my hotel room at the MLA - when Lo!

The onions and garlic are irrelevant: they just looked good in the afternoon sun.

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