Saturday, June 21, 2014

women's collaborative (and cropping)

Opposite my favorite Northern New Mexican restaurant (La Risa, in Ribera, and really one doesn't need to eat for several weeks after lunch there), is El Valle Women's Collaborative - very much a community venture, that runs a farmers' market, and a craft center, and has a gallery inside - supposedly, though I don't think it's ever been open when I've been there - and frankly, I'm just happy that there's still somewhere in the US that calls itself by such a name.

Yesterday when I was reading about Russell Lee, I was struck by his method in photo critique - apparently he would have students show their work (as projected transparencies) and then - with some large cardboard rectangles in his hand - ask them why they'd taken the picture - and then he'd show them, wielding the cardboard, how much better their image would be if they'd cropped it to emphasize that detail.  I don't know, here.  I both wanted the sense of this building, in place, against a stormy sky - and I just wanted the lettering, the art work, the pink plastic chair ...

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