Sunday, February 17, 2019

winter travel

In reverse order - this spectacular rainbow was from the plane when landing at Burbank this evening - it was a good day for views.  Flying to NYC from Burbank was an experiment - it made for a much easier drive (and cheaper parking) than using LAX - on the other hand, it meant changing planes.  No problem going out - coming back, American were looking for 31 volunteers to give up their seats (for $600, then $700, then $720 and a hotel room ...), in order to lighten the plane so that it could fly with less fuel, for there were Crosswinds and Turbulence (actually, it was relatively smooth, but the threats were dire).  I was not a taker.  This was a whole-arch rainbow - I just wish that the airplane window had been cleaner ...
... as it had been on the first flight: again in reverse order; Arizona (Flagstaff Mountain is in there somewhere); somewhere in the mid west, and Lake Erie.

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