Sunday, July 8, 2018

cotinis mutabilis

- also known as the Figeater Beetle, and a member of the scarab family.  Really, it looks as though it ought to be a Victorian brooch.  He lives on cactus fruit, and sap, and decomposing stuff in compost piles, and mulch, and, presumably, figs.  Or, rather, lived - because I found him, deceased, in the gutter and gently carried him back to photograph him somewhere a little less gutter-like.  That's an amazing emerald green.  I was just so glad that he wasn't an Emerald Ash Borer, which are invasive and terrible (but the only emerald beetle I could name off the top of my head) - they are long and thin, but actually much much smaller - only about half an inch long, whereas the body of this one measures an inch, at least.  I'll be on the lookout for a live one ...

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