Monday, June 24, 2024

Lyon, day 2

The pretty view was still there when I woke up this morning!  It's one of those views that changes all the time according to the light and the sky.  So a morning and half an afternoon of conferencing, and then I hopped on a bus into Lyon proper to be a tourist.

I'd wanted to visit the Cathedral, but it was mysteriously very closed - despite saying on its website that it was open, and saying outside that it was open ... people kept on coming up and unsuccessfully rattling the doors ...

All the same, there are some wonderful sandstone carvings all the way round those locked doors ... Then that's a Basilica, up the hill - I should go and admire its C19th architecture, but didn't think I had the time, today ...

It will surprise no one who knows me at all well that there was some urgent research to be done in terms of locating a good icecream shop (that's Marron, and Black Sesame Seed - much recommended).

But what gave me the greatest pleasure was finding that the print store where I bought a very fine etching of a sheep some forty years ago was still there.  I didn't go in (my vulnerability to purchasing such things is probably almost as strong as purchasing icecream), but I was very tempted ...


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