Sunday, June 16, 2024

Russell Square

I'm unashamedly devoted to the late Victoriana of what used to be the Russell Hotel, in Russell Square, and is now the Kimpton Fitzroy (named after its architect) and done up in excellent Kimpton style - below the cafe where I waited while my room was being got ready.  I was last here in 2015 (this is where this blog is so useful! I can check!), and before that to record a BBC program on Victoriana with the historian David Olusoga.  It says 1898 on the facade - way hight above the Pride flags - but was actually opened in 1900, so it just squeaks in under the radar of what should be a couple of non-London Victorian-filled days coming up ...

The sunset from my room this evening was quite extraordinary (I suspect that smoke, or steam, is from the hotel's heating - it's very chilly). It looks like some strange watery reflection, but that's actually a large net hung across the open courtyard, whether to stop guests throwing things (or themselves) out of windows, or pigeons from nesting everywhere, I don't know ...

Russell Square is (of course) opposite, looking like a quintessential London square, and my hay fever came on within about ten minutes, thereby proving without a doubt that I'm Home in London in Summer.

And here are just a couple more hotel Victoriany bits, from within and from outside.



  1. Walter GomezJune 17, 2024

    Stunning architectural features! I've walked by this hotel so many times to and fro from the BL to the BM, and I've always wondered what it's like on the inside!

  2. It's well worth going inside for a look - wonderfully well preserved / restored late Victoriana. The rooms used to be like that, too - but are good now! Also, the main dining room is pretty much the same as the one on the Titanic ...
