Wednesday, December 25, 2024

In which the cats enjoy their Christmas (as do we)

A splendid sky tonight: inky black, with a few lights and a plant visible ... the weather forecast promised some snow, but that materialized only wetly for about a minute much earlier in the afternoon.

This is ... two cats, inhabiting the top of the kitty palace together, Moth's tail protruding from between Grammy's forepaws.  They were fairly amicable all day, bonded by catnip.

Here, Moth tries to work out which packets might contain this year's supply of catnip bananas, cigars, rainbows, and so on.

She's not a actually right, here - although she has managed to point out some wrapping paper that I would totally, totally have loved when I was ten.

The star present, however, was Gramsci's new carrier,  He's had to make do with hand-me-downs all his life - smelling, doubtless, of other kitties - and his previous one is certainly smaller than Moth's.  And he is a Long Cat.  So here he is, in his new Luxury Model Sherpa.  He's hardly left it all day.  He loves it.



  1. Cats, you are both so spoiled (as you should be)! I feel like Gramsci's giving the world a high five in that last photo.
