Monday, March 17, 2025

spring break may really be here!

Yes - it could, indeed, be Spring Break!  Even if much of my day was consumed by admin issues, I then went down to Albuquerque to pick Alice up, and then straight (if 70 miles is "straight") to Harry's for margaritas and - well, as ever, I had Tinga de Pollo tacos, but, it being St Patrick's Day, Alice had the Guinness Lamb Stew.  She's not (despite her heritage) wearing green, but I dug out the greenest top in my closet, even if it's more Brat Summer than shamrock.  There were a lot of people wearing green check hats with lights (I just checked on line - they had to come from somewhere - Walmart, $5.97).  But seeing the other offerings ... I'm thinking I might invest in a glowing, blinking fedora for next year, and still have change from $10.  


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