Not that there is any danger of us forgetting to pack LucyFur. But she's always very anxious when bags appear - and when the kitty carriers are out too, she knows that it's major road trip time. So rather than deciding to sleep on top of my suitcase (as she will when she fears I'm just heading out to a conference), she's safely ensconced in the front hall, next to a road map, a sunhat that I bought out of necessity in the Pantanal, in Western Brazil, a bag of books, a bag of half-graded graduate papers, a camera bag, another miscellaneous bag, and yes, two plastic ponies. There's also an ungroomed corner of the hallway beyond, that depressingly reveals that despite the latter part of today having been concentrated pack pack pack, clean clean clean, that there's a nasty grimy layer still sitting there (getting the house into any semblance of clean after the contractors have been hammering and plastering is a ludicrous uphill struggle).
In around eight and a half hours we'll be trying to pack three amenable, if resigned cats - and one fluffy feral monster - and heading west!
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