Sunday, September 1, 2013

bin full?

"Bin full?  Why not take your litter home?"  Now, that's a helpful suggestion, courtesy of Merton Borough Council.  Why not, indeed?  Why not just have no bin, and a notice reading "No bin?  Why not ...?"  Ah, all those sequestration-affected units everywhere (like the rest stops north of Santa Fe on I-25) - why not take a leaf out of this book?  In the background, not only signs of autumn, but a birdhouse that, when I was three, had blue and green and yellow budgies, and maybe canaries, in it, and now has exotic finches and cockatiels.  What I never knew, until I read a placard in Cannizaro Gardens, is that the aviary was made in the image of Turin Cathedral.  Why?

As for Brighton and Hove Beach - who knows where one begins, and the other ends?

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