Tuesday, September 27, 2016

harvest moon festival

Not a real harvest moon - we're two weeks too late for that - but a big, mock, paper-lantern style balloon floating out over the lake in the Huntington Gardens at their annual Chinese Harvest Moon Festival.  We saw this in the Huntington's list of forthcoming events, this summer, and thought - why not?  The renovated Chinese Gardens - nearly completed - were stunning, with reflections of the mock-moon and of lights in the small buildings; there were red lanterns in the trees; around 30 stalls with all kinds of Chinese food, and - this was the revelation - wonderful music from the Chinese Music Orchestra of China National Opera and Dance Drama Theater, wafting out over the lake.  I didn't have a clue that I would like traditional Chinese music (some of it involving some quite extraordinary instruments), but evidently I do.

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