Wednesday, October 3, 2018

an unintentional choice of necklace

This morning, I was part of a small group of people meeting with our Interim President, Wanda Austin, to talk about what we should be looking for in a new University President (and yes, dear reader, I did manage to mention the importance of someone with an academic and research background - not someone coming from running a law or business school, and certainly not coming from a non-academic world - and preferably from somewhere with a medical school; someone who favored more transparency and not always giving top-down decisions that lack full explanations but, rather, supporting faculty governance; diversity; sustainability, and More Space).  Mission accomplished, or at least delivered.  BUT - a few minutes into this meeting I looked down at my carefully chosen outfit (smart but non-corporate, etc) and realized to my amusement/horror that I'd unconsciously chosen a necklace that appears to be in cardinal and gold - the USC colors.  I PROMISE THIS WAS UNINTENTIONAL.  All the same, it'll come in handy for volleyball games.

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