Friday, April 21, 2023

recycled books

One last Festival of Books image - these books (these former books?) form part of a stand that holds a large QR code, presumably to be scanned so that one has a program and/or map to consult.  The whole thing is based on a very mock Victorian lamp post, and rests on a - what would one call it?  A cube that's roughly book-spine themed.

I know there are real books inside the tents, by now, and presumably people will be reading from copies, this weekend.  But I wouldn't look so askance at these blue-painted books (and there are other similar piles, all over the center of campus) were it not for my growing suspicion that, slowly, there are fewer three-dimensional books with pages in our library.  There are certainly many, many more available on line - something for which I'm often very grateful.  But, you know, I do like having the material object in my hands if I want to read it, as opposed to checking something or skimming.  One mightn't want to read these particular books, and indeed they most likely didn't come from our library at all, but there seems something ominously prophetic in their re-purposing as thematic decoration.


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