Tuesday, April 11, 2023

solidarity in numbers

It was a tough day on the kitties.  Not only were there hordes - well, five or six - workmen outside, but they were pouring concrete - masses of concrete, sent down a long thick snake of a tube from a concrete mixer parked outside our garage - which filled up the trenches and pillars, and presumably, when it sets, will make our hillside far, far more stable than it's ever been in its life.  At least, that's the plan.  

It took this phenomenal construction effort to bond Moth and Gramsci.  For much of the day, they hung out together (apart from the odd moment when Grammy tried to bite Moth).  Now Gramsci is demanding to be held, safe from whatever may be happening outside tomorrow (wall building, we're told).  



  1. Walter GomezApril 12, 2023

    Ahh, they look so like a pair. Alike in dignity (and height)!

  2. They're working at it! (Moth is probably twice the width, though)
