Monday, May 6, 2024

How the day went

A blustery, stormy morning ... and cold, because of the wind (maybe I shouldn't have been quite so upbeat about not needing the water for the underfloor heating ...).

But I didn't need it for coffee (well, ok, I had a couple of Nespressos first thing), because of the newly located Coffee Corral at the top of the road (that's a mile and a half away, but very welcome, and may I recommend their goat's cheese croissant?).

American Leak Detection (and by now I have the highest admiration for their professionalism) came and pumped nitrogen down the pipes until it bubbled out, and found where the broken pipe was - it's 32 years old, so fairly young in pipe years, and doesn't, they said, signify that the whole system's falling apart.  It's going to dry out, and be repaired when I return in late May - so still no water for now, but also no water bill ...

So, eventually, off to Harry's to celebrate - not just the water, but a draft chapter for a Companion finished; an essay review for a periodical written and sent off; a workshop on a friend's excellent chapter - what does one do with workshops?  Workshopped? - and undergrad essays safely gathered in.  The one obvious AI one?  This semester I was teaching US Art and Democracy in the long C19th.  The student chose a prompt about Art and Democracy (specifically demanding discussion of at least some works on the course), and quite apart from the usual set of bland platitudes, he doesn't seem to have noticed that almost all the examples for his decidedly general essay on Art and Democracy come from ... French artists.  Sigh.  No wonder I was grateful for that margarita.


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