Thursday, April 3, 2014

not easy to leave

Of course I (almost always) enjoy going to conferences - both the people and (with luck) intellectual part of it, and traveling to a different place, and and and.  And, if truth be known, I really relish a night or two or three in a hotel room where one doesn't have very many responsibilities other than trying to get up to date with one's email/grading/sleep.  But Salt Lake City (and yes, you're right, there's no alcohol in the hotel minibar) is not a sunny morning in Los Angeles.  Nor do I have a view from my window (I protested: I'm promised something other than office towers tomorrow), though if I slant my head a little bit I can just about see a sliver of mountain.  Nor are there Cats.  They were all out and about (well, not the by-now-segregated orange one) this morning, anxiously sniffing my suitcase.

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