Sunday, August 20, 2023

Hurriquake day

The view from our house, this evening - it is very wet out there.  From time to time, our phone beep loudly with alarm signals, terrifying the cats - these are Flash Flood warnings, which means that another downpour is about to start.  There has, however - as yet (it's nearly 8.30 p.m.) been no wind.  And then, at 2.41 p.m. the Beep Beep Beep was, in fact, an earthquake warning, which was mildly terrifying, but having been trained in these things at USC - yes, seemingly earthquake drills do work - I hurled myself onto the floor and under a table and hung on - only by that time, the earthquake had happened, quite a bit further north, and I didn't feel a thing.  With one thing and another, it's not been easy to concentrate.

And you're wondering about the construction, and the new deck?  Thank goodness it's as far along as it is ... 


I had to go out there, and in the ever thickening and deepening mud dig a little acequia to divert the water away from the house, and reinforce it with bits of whatever I could find - this slopes towards a hole at the edge of the deck, and disappears after that (I was not stumbling further through the mud to find out its actual route).  While I was quite proud of this engineering feat, it does seem to me that it's probably not a long-term solution for this part of the yard ...

Another few hours rain to go - I'll head outside one more time to sweep away water from in front of the garage ...



  1. Walter GomezAugust 21, 2023

    We're all wondering how you're doing. So glad every human and kitty is OK! Now that's an impressive of feat of DIY engineering work! Hopefully, the worst is over...

  2. The worst bit was all the emergency alarms going off on our phones - WG would have *hated* that. In the end, here in LA, though it was very very wet, it was no worse than a regular winter storm. Much more dramatic in Palm Springs ...
