Saturday, April 6, 2019

the yellowness of Griffith Park

If yesterday was purple, today is yellow - from our hike in Griffith Park this lunchtime.  On top, lots of wild mustard; below, a golden wattle.  Yes, that's an Australian tree, which is why it looks so out of place; yes, it's an invasive species - but a startlingly pretty one.

I don't have a picture of the large snake that leisurely crossed our path.  We passed a couple who warned us that they'd just seen a couple of rattlesnakes; that one had rattled at them.  My amateur identification?  I think it was a gopher snake - its head wasn't thick and diamondy enough; it didn't look like a rattler's tail - and gophers have learned to mimic rattlesnakes, and to make a rattly sound.  This isn't to say that there aren't rattlesnakes up around us - certainly there are - but I have my doubts about the serpent that we saw enjoying the sun.

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