Monday, May 11, 2020

wear a mask

From a local gate: this says it all, really.   Please, please, please.  I don't want you to get sick; I don't want to get sick myself; I want to transition to whatever a New Normal might look like sooner, rather than later.  I just don't get the fact that all the arrogant assholes with their hipster beards and their designer dogs - or their multi-gear bikes who pedal, panting, up our hilly street - don't feel the same way.  

Also - why are almost all the masks that I buy Much Too Large For My Face?  (on order, on endless order, various devices guaranteed to hook them up so that they won't be).  And my ears stick out, so mask earpieces tend to slide right off.  Right now, I only have one absolutely perfect one (which, however, has a cat's muzzle and whiskers on it, which is therefore to be kept for special occasions).  All the same, I Persist, and manage to wear something that more or less fits.  And I know they are sweaty, and damp, and dank, and endlessly need washing, but - just do it.

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