Sunday, October 15, 2023

a Large Green Grasshopper

A Large Green Grasshopper - that is, indeed, her official name: Schistocerca shoshone, if you're being technical.  She flew in as we were winterizing the back yard this afternoon - bringing in the geraniums and the more vulnerable pots and the terracotta suns and the bags of potting soil (so that the mice don't nest in them).  I'll do one last watering in the morning, and then bring in the hoses and put little insulating socks round the outside faucets. It's been the quickest of fall breaks - but nonetheless, great to breathe in some fresh air, after LA.



  1. Walter GomezOctober 15, 2023

    She's a fine and green lady!

  2. WG would enjoy hunting her down, I fear ...
