Monday, November 13, 2023

the plants are here!

I am, of course, teasing you ... no view of the plants themselves, today.  But I promise you that this truck disgorged a whole lot of tubs and pots, containing everything from redbuds to ferns to agave cacti ... all which should be going into the ground very very soon.  It's absolutely the right week for rain - not, supposedly, torrential rain, but a few days of persistent damp - to be forecast.  We're getting to the end, I think, of what's been nearly a year-long process - it's going to be so exciting when we can actually claim that it's finished.



  1. Walter GomezNovember 14, 2023

    Yay! I hope the kitties found the commotion not startling, but stimulating!

  2. They claim to be entirely uninterested in all this horticulture, unless we plan to grown large tubs of catmint
