Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Life, this little sticker on the bottom of a small, mushroom-like fire hydrant - at least I assume it's a fire hydrant - on the USC campus tells us, is full of bumps.  I was going to write about the weirdness of this sticker being there at all - was it part of a treasure hunt?  low-level (very low level) disruptive and depression (or realism) inducing platitudes for freshers?  But that was before the bumps - the realisation that I must have left two pencil cases in New Mexico (they contain not just pens and pencils and paintbrushes and highlighters and and and, but leads, and gadgets to download images from photocards, and spare energy sticks for recharging electronics, and and and).  So I couldn't download this image - had to take a picture with my iPhone - and couldn't usefully stick the card in the back of my home computer, because I've forgotten its access code, and, trying to relaunch it, Apple tells me it will take up to a day to reset.  And and and.  And somehow I've left Chapter Two of Flash!, marked up for proofs, in NM, too.  And and and.   I know these are privileged 1st world problems, and the horrible President is far worse than all of this.  But.  I don't like getting apposite homilies relayed by mysterious campus messages that now, I fear, were specifically targeted at me ...

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