Wednesday, July 18, 2018

tschotchkes in waiting rooms

Today, to an acupuncturist, in the hope that she could do something for Alice's still horrible nausea.  This helped a lot - just so long as the needles were in.  Then the nausea came back.  Meanwhile, I was left catching up on email, and wondering why people have collections of objects in waiting rooms that aren't entirely explicable - these were on top of a cupboard.  They don't necessarily have anything to do with the acupuncturist herself - there are several people who use the building - but I didn't get the opportunity to ask.

Also: tschotchke is a word I had to check how to spell, and is the kind of word that would be a dream play in Scrabble if you had tscchke, and someone had already put "hot" on the board.  If.  

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