Saturday, March 16, 2019


Time for a quick respite from writing and deadline chasing, and into town for some errands, and a coffee (and red pepper/onion/cheese scone) at Iconik, which would make for a very good home-from-home cafe to write in, if only I didn't need books ...  The strange chandelier type thing is decorated with elaborately folded brown paper: not quite origami cranes, but not quite not.

(oh, and for anyone who cares about the Swarming Termite sage, my research suggests that they swarm, mate, and then fly off.  I'm not sure how many will have made their escape: there was a very happy Northern Flicker on a tree in the yard eating everything in sight.  That doesn't mean that they . aren't also chewing through wood out of my sight, but I'm going to pour huge jugs of vinegar into the ground outside my window tomorrow, which apparently is a great eco-killer, and then get in an eco-friendly terminator when we're back.  Thank you for your care and suggestions.  And at least they made the Flicker's day).

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