Tuesday, February 23, 2021

demolishing a hospital

This would have been a more dramatic picture if I hadn't been leaning out of a moving car (on the passenger side), because the demolition is in full, spectacular force, laying bare the bones of this building before it all crumbles into an asbestos-filled mound.  I may be inventing the asbestos, of course, but it's the right vintage to be completely toxic.  What will rise in its place, however, is terrific (as a concept, if not architecturally, maybe): a joint LA County/USC venture called a Restorative Care Village (this is not the same thing as the neo-Ruskinian University Village on campus - emphatically not) but a facility that will seek to treat the unhoused who have medical issues - whether they are living on the streets, or fresh out of jail, or whatever; it will address mental health and addiction problems that are best treated when the vulnerable have some kind of housing security; it'll do a lot of social liaising work, and presumably it'll add considerably to the experiences of our medicine and social work students.  I do wish that we'd hear more about this really great kind of work that USC does ...

And yes! - we had our second Pfizer vaccines stuck in our arms.  Which now hurt - but who's complaining ...?


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