Monday, February 8, 2021

the site of that fire

... Saturday's fire, that is.  The good thing, indeed, is that it was right by a track in Griffith Park - that would explain why it was so easy to get vehicles there.  The bad news is that it was right by a track ... and the crushed beer cans under the foliage suggest that it's very likely that there was a little encampment there.  We saw one guy walking away from us with back pack and bed roll and a lot of shouting: we suspect that the unhoused are increasingly finding shelter there, coming up from the tent city that's growing along Riverside Drive.  

PSA: don't think that it's a good idea to head for a little hike in Griffith Park between meeting with a grad student and setting up a Zoom job candidate talk.  There really isn't the time that you hope there is, although the rapid pace at which you'll have to power-walk up the hill home will persuade you that you've had plenty of exercise ...


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