Wednesday, March 10, 2021

bright cloud (from the living room window)

It rained hard during the night, and from time to time during the day - and this evening there were some wonderful cloud formations swelling up.  A bit more rain is forecast ...

And, of course, it's been a year.  Does one count from the date (March 10th 2020 was the last regular day that I was on campus - and a day on which we were still wondering how long we'd be away from our offices)? or the day (Wednesday of the same week, a year ago, was when we were hovering in indecision - whether to drive to Santa Fe for Spring Break, or not, and whether, if we did, we should take enough course materials for one week, or two?) (in the end, we didn't go until June).  We were starting to look around - on line, in shops - we still went to shops, for a couple more days - for all those things like toilet paper, which were disappearing.  Hand sanitizer?  Forget it.  I was googling recipes for how to make one's own.  The prime reaction I have, looking back, is how naive so many of us were - not just in wondering if we were looking at a few weeks, or at most a few months, discomfort, but in not having a clue how to navigate any of this; not knowing if we were over or under-reacting, and not knowing what it might mean that we just - yes - coughed.  Memo to self: I am allergic to California Live Oaks.  They cause symptoms that are very like ...


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