Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Gramsci the Needy

Poor Grammy.  As if it wasn't bad enough that I went away for five whole weeks, there are people with pneumatic drills tearing up the terrace outside his house.  So he finds it hard to stay away from my shoulders for long - except, as here, when he moves to hug Alice's neck for a few moments so that I can take his picture.  He has a very particular "I want to get on your shoulder - NOW" miaow - distinct from the "I want kibble" one (although that's pretty preremptory, too) - and then he lands.  Even Moth responded to his being upset, today: we saw her licking him in a surprisingly maternal way.


1 comment:

  1. Walter GomezJanuary 31, 2023

    Don Gramsci! We sympathize with your frayed nerves at the demolition and construction work. Just remember you are a strong little kitty with THREE loving guardians (or maybe 2.5 or 2.1, depending on Moth's mood).
