Wednesday, September 27, 2023

outdoor and indoor gangs

What a thuggish collection of raccoons charging down the outside steps just before dawn!  At least this time they didn't disturb all the stones on the waterfall ... (they are rather wonderful: look at those stripey tails).  You never know what you're going to capture on the security cameras - earlier in the summer it was a bobcat with a large rat swinging in its mouth. 

It's hard to know how much the indoor gang know about what happens outside (unless it's birds or squirrels, which are clearly there for their entertainment). Here - although they are probably largely thinking about their immanent supper, they are perplexed by noises in the street, which are caused by Alice pulling forward the trash bins. Scary stuff, they think.  Little do they know about life on the wild side.



  1. Walter GomezSeptember 28, 2023

    It's incredible to see these raccoons brazenly walk up the staircase like they own the place... Would love to see the picture of the bobcat. Gramsci and Moth have the biggest and roundest green eyes of any cat I know. What a magnificent pair!

  2. I wish I'd downloaded a pic of the Bobby - it was during your residency, but we didn't know your feelings about these oversized puss-cats, and didn't want to alarm you ... And yes, the eyes!!

  3. Walter GomezSeptember 29, 2023

    We love all cats (and, in general, cannot resist charismatic mega fauna)!
