Thursday, December 28, 2023

A burrito

Do cats realize how completely ridiculous they sometimes look?  Here's Grammy in one of his more absurd poses.

I was very very grateful this evening that Alice - who went out for lunch with friends - brought me back an excellent burrito from the Plaza Cafe.  My thanks to everyone for their kind and concerned thoughts yesterday, when I really did feel pretty washed out and dreadful, and couldn't stop coughing and blowing my nose.  Etc.  Today - pretty much back to normal, apart from sneezing a couple of times, and full of energy.  So let's hope I don't relapse in some Covid-perverse way, and that I test negative before long, and don't have to exist in masked quarantine;p['''''''''
"""""""""""""""""""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''']| - sorry, that really was Gramsci's unedited contribution - and that I can rejoin the world. Currently, I feel like a fraud - that is, when I'm not celebrating the efficacy of vaccines and boosters.



  1. Walter GomezDecember 30, 2023

    Tasty little burrito! when he's this cute, how do you manage not to sneak in a belly rub??

  2. with difficulty, given that tender underbelly, with that very thin white stripe down it ...
