Saturday, December 16, 2023

the last of the year?

The very last chrysanthemum, I suspect, at least.  I actually bought the pot of them as a USC-themed joke, because they were unarguably cardinal and gold - but they showed more staying power than our football team, in the end.  And we welcomed their cheer, today: Alice was an ailing heap following her first shingles vaccine, and I'm - well, facing up to the realities of no solid food - that is, food that needs chewing - for months and months (I can hardly take a blender into restaurants, so I anxiously scan menus for soups and soufflés and refried beans ...).  Wine, happily, is not solid.  However, the pain has disappeared, I think ...



  1. Walter GomezDecember 17, 2023

    Sorry to hear this! I hope you discover a restaurant with a wonderful soup and soft foods selection. Poor Alice too!

  2. Alice, thankfully, has recovered! Tonight - a break-out food! Polenta! Agghhhhh.
