Monday, April 29, 2024

greetings from our peaceful campus

Nothing could have been calmer or quieter than our encampment today.  What, exactly - if anything - will come out of continuing talks between the President and the students by the end of tomorrow it isn't easy to say - but I'm very encouraged by the fact that they are talking, rather than the former bringing in the LAPD as a kind of knee jerk reaction.  It seems that someone has got to her, and suggested/mandated a different approach - but who?  The Chair of the Trustees? Karen Bass?  A bevy of influential donors?  I rather suspect that too much damage has been done to the Faculty's trust, if to nothing else - but we'll see.

I've been chanting this slogan (not that I chanted today - that's figurative speech) for, I realise, over fifty years.  That makes me feel very old (and wasn't a fact that I shared with the students with whom I talked to in front of it ...).



  1. Walter GomezApril 30, 2024

    Very proud of the peacefully protesting USC students!

  2. Very proud indeed! I don't know how long this will last - but Carol F is definitely trying a quite different set of tactics from her original ones ...
