Friday, December 1, 2023

Christmas at Kings Cross

... and as if on cue, it was snowing when I arrived in London (not dramatically - just some stray flakes floating down - but, still, snow).  This, on closer inspection, was a Harry Potter themed tree - in that all those envelopes/tickets read Platform 9 1/4, and, yes, those are a happy scattering of messenger owls.

I'll admit - after last Christmas - coupled with the fact that my father's 100th birthday is coming up on Monday, and he won't be there for it - I was very unsure how I'd feel being in London with all the decorations up.  It was ok - no need to have been apprehensive, not even when I made a diving visit to Wimbledon to have lunch with my estate agent, which was a kind of closure moment.  No, I didn't go anywhere near the house; no, I didn't even go to any of my usual shops in Wimbledon Village, or to the Common, or anywhere that would have been redolent of nostalgia - it was a very business-like in and out. So, I feel, Good: that particular hurdle has been vaulted (and with a lot less effort than real hurdles used to take me - never my favorite track activity ...)



  1. Walter GomezDecember 01, 2023

    Hang in there! We are sending you a big hug. And Walter sends a slow blink across the ocean!
