Friday, November 9, 2018

fire from afar

This is not (I'm glad to say) one of those images taken close up to the hell that's the Malibu coast, right now -  rather, it's what can be seen of it from the top of the parking structure that I use at USC.  There was a decidedly bad moment very early in the day, when - waking up to the news of this big fire - I wondered if anything would be visible - and looked out the back of the house to see a plume of smoke going up from behind the Zoo in Griffith Park.  

Very, very luckily we had little wind (unlike the Santa Anas that are blowing at the coast), and it was contained to about 30 acres.  They're still keeping an eye on it; periodically (it's nearly 9 in the evening) a helicopter flies over.

But in Malibu and Thousand Oaks?  I am just incessantly angry against a government that denies climate change.  Poor people; poor animals; wonderful firefighters (I saw that the fire station by USC was, understandably, completely empty of engines). Meanwhile, and on a smaller scale, my fire neurosis (in place since I was about 3 or 4) has me checking out of the window every five minutes or so to check that the sky isn't red with flames, and sniffing the air.  I'm glad to report that the only sight worthy of notice outside the window this evening was a very, very fat raccoon waddling by.

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