Saturday, February 1, 2020

getty graduate symposium

It's a testimony to my sense of professional duty that I spent almost all of today indoors, listening to a range of papers given by grad students in Art History from up and down the West Coast of California, from Wari art - that's an ancient Andes culture that produced most extraordinarily complex decorative designs, whether in ceramics or textiles - to John Fekner's refashioned found landscapes of the 1980s that highlight the prevalence of toxic waste.  USC's own Jonathan Dentler (seen below in the discussion that followed his panel's papers) did us proud.

But I was so glad that lunch gave us enough time to wander around, and to consider, unbelievably, that this is early February (with the temperature in the high 70s) - and it was one of those clear Californian winter's days, too, when you could actually see that there's sea out there ...

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