Sunday, July 11, 2021

long legs ...

How big is this cat going to grow?  Currently Gramsci is about nine and a half to ten weeks old, so far as anyone can tell.  It seems that he and his sibling - also now adopted, I'm glad to see - were probably picked up by Animal Control somewhere in Santa Fe just as their deciduous teeth were coming in.  That means he was around 2-3 weeks old on May 19th - and then he was fostered.  Fostered, I'd say, by someone who was very loving, and has taught him to be a people-cat.  A people-obsessed cat ...  But those legs!  They say that the surest way of knowing how big a cat is going to be is to look how long the hind legs are.  I swear that what we're looking at here is half ocelot ...


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