Friday, July 2, 2021

my favorite emporium

As I know I've remarked before - probably many time before - I adore going to Agua Fria Nursery to stock up for the summer: for reasons already recorded, we were about three or four weeks later than planned, this year, and of course this meant that the plants had a decidedly midsummer air to them: not exactly wilting, but many of them already flowered.  All the same, I came back with a good carload.

But I'm not sure that I just go to Agua Fria to buy plants - rather, it's for the whole organically committed and decidedly funky ambience.  So far as I can see, if plants don't sell, they're turned loose to fend more or less for themselves.  One couldn't have bought anything that I show here: everything was growing in the soil, and everywhere there were bees, bees, bees ...

... and as for what I bought: I'm particularly excited by the horseradish - I've never tried growing that before.  One harvests it - the roots, that is - after frost has killed off the leaves: could be interesting!


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