Sunday, July 21, 2024

Breaking news

Just as I was going into the kitchen to see about lunch, my phone started to ping with news alerts - and yes, indeed, and at last, Joe Biden had decided to step aside - and, not on the heels of that news, was endorsing Kamala Harris.  This has come as a huge reassurance - and, one hopes, in enough time to salvage the election, first and foremost, and then Biden's reputation, for in many ways he's been an admirable president, apart from his stance on Gaza/Israel.  I'll confess - I didn't think he actually would do the only decent, pragmatic thing and step aside - I'd by now pushed him firmly into the Stubborn Old Man category - so I breathed a very deep sigh of relief, and got out my credit card to donate to the new iteration of the Democrats' campaign.



  1. Walter GomezJuly 22, 2024

    Head-spinning news, indeed!

  2. it is SO GOOD! Even the cats are excited. I think.
