Saturday, July 20, 2024

the return of the morning glory

When we rolled in on Thursday afternoon, it was just in the nick of time.  Although the monsoon rains have, supposedly, arrived (all of today, however, they've been circling Eldorado without actually producing anything more than a sprinkle), the garden seemed to have received very little, and the morning glories and the catnip (about all that make it from year to year) were wilting.  The morning glories truly are wonderful, self-seeding year after year - I'm so glad that we didn't let them down by failing to supply water because of our very late arrival this year.  By contrast, the tumbleweed is flourishing as a result of the earlier rain - I've cut some down in the driveway, but tomorrow it'll be the reliable, lethal assault with vinegar, salt, and Dawn.


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