Monday, July 29, 2024

corners of color

Thank you, dear friends, for your dental concern ... all went well, and I'm satisfactorily full of pain killers that are tamping down the discomfort both in my lower jaw and my sinuses (no alcohol allowed for a week.  That tells you how strong they are ...).  This is an ongoing process - very ongoing - sorting out stuff that was done twenty years ago (my jaw had an unusually bad reaction to cement that was used on implants then, which resulted in much bone loss - hence bone grafting - and so on).  Next step, tomorrow - and then, fingers crossed, nothing until November 4th, the day before the election, which may mean that my blood pressure reading won't be as good as it was today ...

But I got to walk around Santa Monica! which I don't normally do - and could walk to the orthodontal surgeon's office, and then went and sat on the beach in the early evening to nurse my wounds, which was beautiful, and restorative.


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