Thursday, July 11, 2024

more Durham

More on this hotel - it was, in fact, the Shire Hall before it was university offices, and evidently the Shire Hall was decorated like a Victorian pub ...

A day's conferencing, and then over the river for Evensong in Durham Cathedral - rather magnificent - built between 1083 and 1133, and therefore decidedly more spare and soaring than all the baroque cathedrals I've been in lately.  A very sombre evensong, even though it was a big celebration for St Benedict's feast day - but I guess that's the way of evensongs.

Then the Conference Dinner in Durham Castle - which sounds very grand, but in fact is also a student hall of residence (doesn't, I suppose, stop it being a grand residence hall).

By the time we emerged, the sky was clearing for the first time in the last few days,

and the light was beautiful crossing back over the bridge.

The hotel opposite my hotel seems to be holding a convention of chairs.

And so good night from Durham, with moon.


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