Friday, March 10, 2023

churu, anyone??

I swear this stuff is like Kitty Crack.  The mere rustle of a tube of Churu, and these two move as one - any hint of rivalry or animosity forgiven (though of course, Gramsci grabs it off your finger twice as fast, sometimes forgets that he's not meant to get his very magnificent long teeth involved, and then tries to make a grab for wherever Moth is licking).  So far as Moth is concerned ... it's a very good job that this is a very low calorie treat.  Goodness knows what's in it, but they absolutely love it.

Off to Wimbledon (hence the early post) - this will be a strange Spring Break ... And I will miss everyone left behind in LA, including these two ...



  1. Walter GomezMarch 10, 2023

    These two! We love them so much. (Sincerely)

  2. They ARE turning into - well, some of the time - a Gang of Two, which is a huge pleasure to witness ...
