Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Feral garden

A wild garden?  A re-wilding project?  This is spectacularly feral.  I confess that I rather love it (which won't stop me doing a bit of weeding to get rid of some of the grass in flowerbeds) - there are wildflowers out, or planning to be out, everywhere.  We can call it No Mow May, if you like ... pretend that this is planned ecology ... Indeed, all of Wimbledon seems green (it's been raining a lot), and covered in soggy post-Jubilee bunting.



  1. Walter GomezMay 11, 2023

    What a tranquil scene with lush and pretty foliage! And a belated happy birthday to two-year-old Gramsci. He's grown into a handsome and confident not-so-little cat.

  2. NOT so little, indeed! He would love it here - I've seen both a Burmese cat and a fox frolicking (not together) in the grass today ...
