We are all too hot around here. Even though the temperature has dropped maybe fifteen degrees or so since the height of the summer, it's still hard to concentrate in the heat. Lucy - with no actual lizards to her credit today, though some near misses - is out for the count on top of a book case in my study.

DandyLion - an extraordinarily rare sighting on this blog, so admire that tail while you have a chance - is wedged underneath it.
But next summer? Will we have a/c here? I've held out for years, assuming some kind of Purist Role ("oh, all we need out here are the windows open, and the ceiling fans on, and we're fine"). And admittedly it's better in the living room, now that the portale shelters us from the worst of the sun there. But I can't concentrate in the heat (or that's my excuse) - and as I was writing a plump check today for my share of a/c being put into the Los Angeles house, I felt my purist willpower withering away, electrical consumption notwithstanding.

Emmett - this hot grey rug under my desk - would probably approve of it most of all.
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