Monday, November 2, 2020

last lectures in the bag!

This will be the last time - for a bit - that this notice goes up!  By now, it's looking decidedly ratty and bedraggled, albeit with a strangely early-Christmas-decoration look to it from the green and red tape at the top.  I've been recording four videos a week for my undergrad class, so that at least part of the class is asynchronous.  Tomorrow is Elections ... those lectures were posted at the weekend ... Thursday's two are on the Statue of Liberty (and some truly horrible late century cartoons on the topic of immigration) - the S of L seems a suitable place to end up a course on "Picturing Democracy: US Art 1750-1900." And then we're onto student presentations.  I realize I've written around 70,000 words worth of script - and that's before we get to whatever I ad lib in class ... while I've enjoyed this hugely, it's been quite a shift from my usual much more stop-and-discuss teaching mode.  And yet, I'll feel quite bereft without this crazed routine, even if it's meant that each week feels like it's nine days long.


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