Sunday, October 9, 2022

praying mantis

Not particularly pious!  But, nonetheless, quite a presence outside our front door.  I relocated her.

Do you think one can train praying mantises to attack?  This was just before I found my car's catalytic converter had been stolen (apparently Lexus RX400h models from between 2007-2009 are especially catnip to cc thieves).  I started it up - intending to head off to Whole Foods - and it made a roaring sound from hell and started to emit total polluting crap, so that was that.  Have filed a police report, so I should be able to claim something on the insurance - but.  I mean - big But.  I feel very bad about having mocked Alice two mornings ago when she thought that there was a Suspicious Car stopping in front of it - at 6.15 a.m. - twice within a quarter of an hour.  Of course, they probably were either casing it or already robbing it.  Anyway, that's something I could do without dealing with ...



  1. Walter GomezOctober 10, 2022

    Rats! Very sorry to hear this! These car thieves are truly relentless.... Hopefully, insurance can kick in and cover some or all of the cost. ARGH!

  2. Arrrrgghhhhh, indeed! Time for it to live in the garage, despite the hassle ...

  3. Believe it or not, it was the same (expensive) exhaust system as last time that they stole. As Jesus at Glendale says, they were idiots then and they're idiots this time. At least this time I've known to file a police report before trying to claim insurance (last time's lesson!) (with pictures!) - so I should be able to get something back. I could have bought a new - well, second-hand ... - car, by now.

    1. Walter GomezOctober 11, 2022

      WHAT!! The same central pipe?! These thieves are impossible and deserve 100000 hours of community service if/when they're caught! I'm sorry that the first theft was denied by the insurance, but hopefully this one will be processed without push back.

  4. The very same! Mysteriously, the garage have returned the car to me with a whole lot of ... well, I guess it's whatever part of the underneath that wasn't stolen but that still needs replacing. Just what I need for ... er ... er ...
