Friday, November 11, 2022

distant snowcaps

The heavy rain at the start of the week, and the clouds that came before and after it, have all cleared out, leaving the first deposit of snow on the distant mountains.  If you peer closely; if you blow this up, you'll see - it's always a magical moment of early winter for me.  And it's cold.  Although the thick walls of our old (by LA standards! 1929 ...) house are wonderful when it's hot, since it rarely warms up to unbearable temperatures inside, by the same token they trap chill air, and the central heating never seems very keen on reaching all the way down to the bottom floor, and my study.  Or rather, it happily warms the bathroom and the laundry room down here, but I can't very sensibly hunker down on the floor in there to write a book ...


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